Page 156 - Cityview Jan-Feb 2017
P. 156

CONVERSATIONSCONTINUED FROM PAGE 46last two years we’ve been ranked the number one state in the United States for foreign direct investment. We have 184 Japanese companies in the state of Tennessee. We need more presence in other countries. Georgia has ten o ces around the world. Florida has 14. We previously had one, so we’ve opened six new o ces this year. We’ve got another three more to go by this time next year.Korda: Alright, now in my experience watching ECD Commissioners, a fair number of them look in the mirror, and they say “hey, there is a governor or senator standing there looking back at me.” What I’ve heard is that you’re thinking about running for County Mayor, possibly following the Corker model, where you would run for local mayor then run for governor. Are you thinking about running for governor, or senatorif the governor’s position doesn’t present itself. In other words, you are a Frist/Corker/Haslam type. Why don’t you just go ahead and tell me: are you going to run for o ce and what o ce is it going to be?Boyd: First o , I’m honored to be considered in the Frist/Corker/Haslam group because I admire all of those gentlemen, but I’m not a politician. I’ve never run for o ce. I’ve onlybeen appointed, and both times were voluntary. I am not sure if I will ever run,butifIdo,itwillbeathome. I have no desire to go to DC. I love my community here in Knoxville, and I love my state. Given a choice between my hometown and my state it would be di cult, but I have become so passionate about some of the rural communities across the state that I would hate to not still be involved with the dreams and aspirations of the people in places like Unicoi andJohnson Counties. If you ever want to be inspired, go and spend a day with those folks and see how they are trying to make their communities better. I would want to continue to  nd ways to support them.Korda: When I first met Bob Corker, he said the same thing:I have no desire to be a U.S. senator. But times change and things change. If you are going to follow Bill Haslam, then you have two years to ready yourself. Are you prepared to make that commitment?Boyd: I think it starts with a commitment to what it is you’re trying to get accomplished. For me, it has been about the new vision for Driveto 55, making sure at least 55% of our population has a certi cate or degree, which would empower them to geta better job, by the year 2025. I am committed to that. If I were to run, it would be because of that. I think that vision would carry me through those dark, long, hard days.Korda: Is there more than just that one thing?Boyd: Another would be the Pond Gap Elementary School. I have invested both emotionally and  nancially in a full service community school that provides an extra 3 hours of reading, physical education, and math. Pond Gap also provides GED classes for the parents.I love those kids and the program. In 2013, when I would have frustrating days trying to transform higher education, my North Star was those kids.Korda: Would education be the most important part of what you would want to accomplish?Boyd: Yes, I think it is the inflection point of everything. If we can improve educational attainment, it will mean better health and better jobs. If I could only do one thing, it would be to improve educational outcomes.Korda: Have you ever had a campaign role?Boyd: I have helped support Governor Romney on a couple of his campaigns, and I helped Governor Haslam a little bit, but generally just as a host or fundraiser. I have never actually asked for anyone to vote for me. Even inmy role with Govenor Haslam, it has always been about the mission. If I were to run, it would have to be about getting people to support me and help me accomplish a mission and not just about me.Korda: As you sit in the ECD o ce and look up at the state capitol, what 5 things would you consider to be the most important things that could happen in the state of Tennessee?Boyd: Actually I look down on it. (laughs)Korda: I used to look down on it too.Boyd: Yeah, I can’t leave work till I see the Governor leave, so I keep an eye on it. But seriously, if we could just do one thing we would accomplish the Drive to 55. If we could go from 39% attainment today to 55% by the year 2025, that would equate to nine billion dollars in extra income every year for Tennesseans. That would give so many the opportunity fora better life. To be successful we also have to improve our K-12 system. Kids have got to be able to graduate with the quali cations to either get a good job or go to college, and right now they don’t have those quali cations.Korda: Is there a baseball team in Knoxville’s future?Boyd: I would be interested in moving the team to Knoxville, butit’s really not my decision. We should be thankful to the people of Sevier County for helping keep baseball in East Tennessee. So whatever we do we need to be sure it is a win-winfor everyone. The city and county of Knoxville would have to step up. If all154 JANUARY  FEBRUARY 2017

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